I’m Back, Sort of, but

May 19, 2020

I never really left.  I’ve viewed this site daily for many many years, and although much of it is out of date, I do notice that it gets hits virtually every week and I sense that it’s still helpful to people and for that I’m grateful to our great God.  I see that a number of you check the site for help with filtering and that’s HUGE as proper filtering has helped me greatly in my battle.  I also see that a number of you check the topic “Is masturbation/porn really a sin?” and I know that’s a controversial topic, and I intend to address that subject.  And a number of you have inquired about where can you find/join a purity group.  All the groups listed sadly no longer exist, however, as you read this we’re starting one right here, right now.

So I welcome your questions, comments, prayers, I’m here to serve and I admit this will help me too.  I also plan to write about and address men’s discipleship issues as this has been my God given ministry for many years.  May this bear fruit for the kingdom, make men godly pure men and to God be the glory,  in Jesus’ Name, amen, alleluia!

John 15:7-12 1 Cor 10:31

Dave Mozdin

Why a ministry specifically dedicated to purity?

April 7, 2010
If one of our links is not working, would you please inform us at disciplesforpurity@gmail.com?  Thank you!

Maybe this isn’t even a question in your mind. Perhaps you struggle with sexual sin yourself and think no one can really understand your secret battle.  You are not alone.  Immorality is a silent sin that is eating through the church like a cancer.

Your experience with sexual sins  might be as a counselor.  You personally know the painful devastation of sexual sin as you have watched the havoc wreaked on families because of poor moral choices.

Sadly, you might be one of the growing numbers of victims of sexual sin.  Your suffering may be even worsened by a perpetrator who was close, someone you trusted or loved.  You just want the pain to stop.

Whatever drew you to our site, Welcome!  There is hope and healing.   If you call yourself a Christian who has secretly (or not so secretly) struggled with sexual sin but are finally ready to honestly deal with it, we want to help.  Take some time to look around.  When you are ready, contact us.  Talking is the first step forward.

If you are a victim of sexual sin, you need someone who can lovingly lead you to healing hands.  Let us help you.

3For this is the will of God, your sanctification that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness andhonor,” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4

Purity is God’s expressed will for your life.  It is His desire for you.

We look forward to speaking with you.

Disciples for Purity is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit registered in the state of Illinois that operates through your tax-deductible gifts.

Take our Anonymous Survey

April 6, 2010

Help us in our desire to help sexual strugglers.  Whatever your background or experiences, all of us can help by taking this anonymous survey.  It’s quick! Only takes about three minutes to complete.  Simply scroll through and check all the ones that apply to you.  Then hit the “VOTE” button.   If you wish, you can view the aggregate results of how others responded.  Thanks for your participation.


Disciples for Purity Statement of Faith

April 5, 2010
  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible, authoritative, Word of God.  We believe that God has spoken in both the Old and New Testaments through human authors who were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the very words of God.  We believe the Bible is without error in the original writings, completely revealing God’s will for salvation and is the ultimate authority to judge all human knowledge and endeavors.
  • We believe that there is one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; He is fully God and fully man.  We believe He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and that He was crucified, the only perfect, atoning sacrifice for sin.  We believe He arose bodily from the grave and ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.  In a day and hour known only to God, He will personally return in power and glory to gather all who are His to live eternally with Him.
  • We believe that human beings, descendants of Adam, are sinners by nature and by choice and are under God’s wrath, eternally separated and alienated from God.  We believe that it is only the the merciful, saving, sacrificial blood of Christ’s redeeming work on the cross that a lost and sinful people can be saved, regenerated, and enjoy friendship and fellowship with God.
  • We believe there will be a bodily resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved; those who are saved will be forever with God in eternal life; those who have not received God’s redemption in Christ are condemned to eternal damnation.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner.  He regenerates repentant sinners and baptizes them into union with Christ as fellow-heirs in God’s family.  He indwells the Christian and through His ongoing, sanctifying work, enables the submitted Christian to walk by the Spirit, illuminating, guiding, equipping, and empowering His new creation in Christ to live a godly life and bring glory to God in all he does.
  • We believe the true church is made up of all who are justified by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone, a spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.  We believe the true church is the bride of Christ to reflect His glory, of which He is the head and we regularly observe the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, which tangibly express the gospel.  We believe that God has ordained local, Bible-believing churches to nourish the church, teaching, reproving, correcting, and training in righteousness, encouraging believers to exercise their God-given gifts and fulfill the Great Commission to go into all the world to preach the gospel and make disciples.
  • We believe God commands us to love sacrificially, living out our faith caring for each other, being compassionate to the poor, and demanding justice for the oppressed. With God’s Word, the Spirit’s power, and fervent prayer in Christ’s name, we combat the spiritual forces of evil to destroy strongholds for His praise and glory.

Purity Self-Examination

April 9, 2010

Pastor James List of Purity Issues

1.  When was the last time you made a crude joke or laughed at one?

2.  When was the last time you sat through a sexual scene on TV, probably between unmarried people – 80% are, without turning it off, maybe completely undisturbed?

3.  Men especially – do your eyes look over someone attractive, in a way that would make them uncomfortable if they noticed?

4.  Are there dirty words in your vocabulary that link you to the world and not to Christ?

5.  Do you read books that tell stories of immorality and rationalize your enjoyment of them?

6.  Do you go places where the sexual atmosphere is thick and not feel deeply troubled?

7.  Are you even now, maybe this past week, struggling with an attraction or relationship with a person not your spouse, or if you’re single, not a Christian?

8.  Do people sense the freedom to be off-color around you?  Do they have the impression you will tolerate it?

9.  How do your convictions about appropriate entertainment differ from someone you know who does not know Christ?

10.  What do you think that you would not do if Jesus Christ were visually present with you?

(from a message by Pastor James MacDonald, Harvest Bible Chapel, Rolling Meadows, IL, entitled “Convicted on Purity,” August 12 & 13, 2006)